Ziyi Zhao, B.Sc. candidate in Physics, receives William A. Lee Undergraduate Research Scholarship to work on coherent X-ray generation with arbitrary angular momentum properties! Congratulations! The William A. Lee Undergraduate Research Scholarship provides competitive funding for University of California San Diego undergraduates majoring in the Physical Sciences to conduct research projects[…]
Title: Isolated broadband attosecond pulse generation with near- and mid-infrared driver pulses via time-gated phase matching Author(s): C. Hernández-García, T. Popmintchev, M. M. Murnane, H. C. Kapteyn, L. Plaja, A. Becker, and A. Jaron-Becker Source: OPTICS EXPRESS Volume: 25(10) Pages: 11855-11866 Published: 2017. Times cited Isolated broadband attosecond pulse generation with near- and mid-infrared[…]
Title: Ultraviolet Surprise: Efficient Soft X-ray High Harmonic Generation in Multiply-Ionized Plasmas Author(s): Dimitar Popmintchev, Carlos Hernández-García, Franklin Dollar, Christopher Mancuso, Jose A. Pérez-Hernández, Ming-Chang Chen, Amelia Hankla, Xiaohui Gao, Bonggu Shim, Alexander L. Gaeta, Maryam Tarazkar, Dmitri A. Romanov, Robert J. Levis, Jim A. Gaffney, Mark Foord, Stephen B. Libby,[…]
Title: Method for effectively phase-matched generation of coherent VUV, EUV and X-ray light using VUV-UV-VIS lasers Inventor(s): Popmintchev Tenio., Popmintchev Dimitar, Murnane Margaret, Kapteyn Henry Provisional Patent Application: US 61873794.
Title: Generation of Bright Isolated Attosecond Soft X-ray Pulses Driven by Multicycle Midinfrared Lasers Author(s): Ming-Chang Chen, Christopher Mancuso, Carlos Hernández-García, Franklin Dollar, Ben Galloway, Dimitar Popmintchev, Pei-Chi Huang, Barry Walker, Luis Plaja, Agnieszka A Jaroń-Becker, Andreas Becker, Margaret M Murnane, Henry C Kapteyn, Tenio Popmintchev Source: PNAS Volume: 11 Pages:[…]
Title: Method for phase-matched generation of coherent soft and hard X-rays using IR lasers Inventor(s): Popmintchev Tenio., Chen Ming-Chang, Bahabad Alon, Murnane Margaret, Kapteyn Henry Patent: US 8,462,824. Published: JUN 11 2013. Provisional Patent Application: US 61171783 MAR 2008.
Plain h2 header Nam vestibulum, arcu sodales feugiat consectetur, nisl orci bibendum elit, eu euismod magna sapien ut nibh. Donec semper quam scelerisque tortor dictum gravida. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nam pulvinar, odio sed rhoncus suscipit, sem diam ultrices mauris, eu consequat purus metus eu velit. Proin metus[…]